Simple Acts Of Kindness, It Is The Little Things That Matter

Steven proudly displaying his street sign.

My son, Steven, was walking our dog Bentley on our street when he came across Bill. Bill works with the Lakewood Public Works Department, and he was removing our street signs to replace them with new ones. Steven has always wanted our street sign. I recall one time he asked when he was in middle school if he could get in trouble if he unscrewed the sign. YES, I said! Our house on Narragansett Ave. is the only home he knows. Steven was born and raised on Narragansett. He grew up here, where he rode his bike and played on the street, he and his buddies took over lawns for their impromptu baseball games, and he met his best friends, George, and Luke. Narragansett Ave. is filled with memories that he will forever cherish. He will always consider it home. It is a special place to live and to be a kid. The neighbors are wonderful, inclusive, and caring.

Now back to Bill and Steven’s conversation. Steven asked how he may buy the street signs. Bill was kind and took the time to explain the purchase process. Steven took in every word and relayed what he learned to me with an excitement as if he were a little kid again (he is now 22). I left a voice message for Kim in the Finance Department to inquire about how we may purchase the two signs. She called me back the very next day and said she would notify the individual in charge to pull the two Narragansett signs and hold them for Steven. It was only one day later that Steven paid up the $50 ($25 per sign) and I met Kim and picked up the signs.

Thank you, Bill, and Kim, for your tremendous customer service and assistance in helping me make Steven’s very simple wish become a reality. Steven’s ear-to-ear smile when I gave him the street signs expressed how happy he is to have a little piece of Narragansett Ave. to travel with him to Chicago.

July 1, he moved to the Windy City, but Lakewood will always be close to his heart. It was the best $50 he has ever spent. Priceless!

Tess Neff

I am a 32-year Lakewood resident. My husband Rich and I raised our children here and we love being a part of the community. My public service career expands 28 years and I am grateful for the opportunity to continue to help people and have a positive impact on their lives. My ten years as a magistrate in the Lakewood Municipal Court and my time on Lakewood City Council has allowed me to engage with residents and understand the community needs. The relationships I have fostered with community partners over the years are invaluable to Lakewood's continued success and progression. 

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Volume 17, Issue 13, Posted 3:01 PM, 07.07.2021